🕵️ Agents

Autonomous AI components that dynamically select and use tools to solve complex tasks based on user inputs.

1)Airtable Agent:

Agent used to answer queries on Airtable


• Agents > drag Airtable Agent node

• Connect Credential > click Create New

• Fill in the Connect credential

• Provide Base Id and Table Id

you can now use Airtable Agent node in THub.

• Language Model can be connected with any node under Language model category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Moderation category

• Record manager can be conneted with the node under Record manager

The Airtable Agent makes using Airtable simple and efficient. It helps manage data, automate tasks, and generate insights easily. Using natural language processing and automation, it boosts productivity and improves data handling.


Autonomous agent with chain of thoughts for self-guided task completion.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• Chat Model can be connected with any node under Chat model category

• Vectoer Store Retriver can be connected with any node under Retriver category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

• Provide the details of AutoGPT Name, AutoGPT Role and Maximun loop count.

AutoGPT automates tasks and processes using powerful language models and natural language commands.


· Natural language processing

· Task automation

· Data interaction


Task Driven Autonomous Agent which creates new task and reprioritizes task list based on objective

• Chat Model can be connected with any node under Chat model category

• Vector Store can be connected with any node under Vector store category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

• Provide count of task loop.

BabyAGI focuses on automating simple, repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more complex activities.


· Task scheduling

· Process automation

· Data Management

4)CSV Agent

Agent used to answer queries on CSV data.

• Chat Model can be connected with any node under Chat model category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

The CSV Agent manages and processes CSV files, facilitating data handling and analysis.


· Data import and export

· Data cleaning and transformation

· Reporting

5)Conversational Agent

Conversational agent for a chat model. It will utilize chat specific prompts.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• Chat Model can be connected with any node under Chat model category

• Vectoer Store Retriver can be connected with any node under Retriver category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

Conversational Agents facilitate natural language interactions with users, supporting a range of conversational applications.


· Multi-turn dialogue management

· Context retention

· Natural language understanding

6)Conversational Retrieval Agent

A specialized LangChain agent that combines document retrieval with conversational abilities. It can access and search through a knowledge base to provide informed responses, maintaining context across multiple interactions for more natural, informative dialogues.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• Open AI/ Azure Chat Model can be connected with any node under Chat model category

• memory can be connected with any node under Memory category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

This agent specializes in retrieving information based on conversational context and user queries.


· Context-aware search

· Information retrieval

· Dynamic response generation

7)MistralAI Tool Agent

An agent that leverages MistralAI's language models for various tasks. It can utilize MistralAI's capabilities to process and generate text, answer questions, and perform language-related operations within the LangChain framework.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• MistralAI Chat model can be connected under Chat model category

• memory can be connected with any node under memory category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

The MistralAI Tool Agent integrates MistralAI capabilities for advanced AI-driven task automation and data analysis.


· AI-driven insights

· Advanced data processing

· Integration with MistralAI tools

8)OpenAI Assistant

An agent that uses OpenAI Assistant API to pick the tool and args to call.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

• Fille the field by selecting the assistant.

The OpenAI Assistant leverages OpenAI's powerful models to assist with a variety of tasks and queries.


· Natural language understanding

· Task automation

· Conversational support

9)OpenAI Function Agent

An agent that utilizes OpenAI's function calling capabilities to execute specific tasks. It can interpret user intents, select appropriate functions, and generate structured outputs, enabling more precise and controllable interactions with the language model.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• OpenAI/Azure Chat model can be connected under Chat model category

• memory can be connected with any node under memory category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

This agent uses OpenAI's models to execute specific functions and operations based on user inputs.


· Function execution

· Task automation

· Data manipulation


A LangChain agent that integrates OpenAI's language models with external tools and APIs. It can understand user requests, select and use appropriate tools, and formulate responses, enabling complex task completion by combining AI language understanding with specific tool functionalities.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• OpenAI/Azure Chat model can be connected under Chat model category

• memory can be connected with any node under memory category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

The OpenAI Tool Agent integrates with various tools and platforms to enhance productivity and task management.


· Enhanced data handling

· Tool integration

· Task automation

11)React Agent Chat

Agent that uses the React logic to decide what action to take, optimized to be used with Chat Models.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• Any Chat model can be connected under Chat model category

• Memory can be connected with any node under memory category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

React Agent Chat focuses on interactive and reactive conversations, providing dynamic responses based on user inputs.


· Real time interaction

· Interactive dialogue

· Context-aware responses

12)React Agent LLM

Agent that uses the React logic to decide what action to take, optimized to be used with LLMs.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• Any Chat model can be connected under Chat model category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

React Agent LLM leverages large language models for complex and context-aware interactions.


· Advanced natural language processing

· Context retention

· Dynamic response generation

13)Tool Agent

Agent that uses Function Calling to pick the tools and args to call.

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• Any Tool Calling Chat model can be connected under Chat model category

• memory can be connected with any node under memory category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

The Tool Agent integrates and automates various tools and services to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.


· Multi-tool integration

· Workflow automation

· Task management

14)XML Agent

Agent that is designed for LLMs that are good for reasoning/writing XML (e.g.: Anthropic Claude).

• Tool can be connected with any node under Tools model category

• AnyChat model can be connected under Chat model category

• memory can be connected with any node under memory category

• Input Moderation can be connected with any node under Embeddings category

The XML Agent handles XML data processing, facilitating data manipulation and analysis.


· XML data parsing and generation

· Data transformation

· Reporting and visualization

Last updated